Need to KnowÂ
Everything you "Need to Know" during your divorce can be overwhelming, especially when emotions run high. To help ease the burden, Attorney Dawn Ogrodny and her Legal Assistant, Jessica Ade, have provided valuable resources to help you navigate the process more smoothly. Of course, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact them at 719-227-1944.
Do I need a lawyer to get a divorce in Colorado Springs, Colorado?

No, you do not need a lawyer. You can navigate the process yourself. However, this is generally not recommended as good practice.
Most people believe hiring an attorney for a divorce is too expensive or unnecessary. However, it is a legal process, so it is wise to hire legal counsel for the following reasons:
It is difficult to undo and modify a Separation Agreement once your Decree enters; therefore, it is imperative you contact an attorney before you sign any agreement.
Most family law attorneys will try to problem-solve before pursuing costly options such as litigation/court.
Each party is not required to have an attorney because even if one party is represented, the attorney is still required to communicate and work with the other party. The caveat is that the attorney cannot advise the unrepresented party. Additionally, the Court must approve any agreement reached during the dissolution process to ensure fairness.
The attorney-client relationship must be compatible for your divorce process to be successful. Therefore, our firm will only accept some clients because we believe in personalized approach representation, and you should never feel like just another number at a firm.
Can Social Media Be Used as Evidence in El Paso County, Colorado Court?

Yes, Be Wise About What You Post Online During a Divorce
Many couples going through a divorce ask whether social media can be used as evidence in their El Paso County, Colorado, court case. In short, the answer is yes. Social media and other electronic sources can be used as evidence in court. However, it is still up to the court to decide if the posts and other electronic content should be admitted as evidence.
If you are considering using social media to gather evidence for your case, the first step is to inform your lawyer. The two of you will work together to consider if the posts are relevant and authentic.
5 Best Practices for Social Media Use During Your Divorce Case
1. Change the login and passwords on all your accounts.
2. Be diligent and wise about what you post and share.
3. Talk to friends and family about what they should not post about you.
4. Do not post anything when you are upset or angry. Step away from your device.
5. Remember, nothing online is truly deleted; metadata remains and can be recovered.
If you are considering getting a divorce in El Paso County, Colorado, call Family Law Attorney Dawn M. Ogrodny, P.C., today at 719-227-1944. She's happy to help you with your divorce and family law needs.
Book Recommendations - Managing Divorce Conflict and Communication
Helpful reads about conflict management and dealing with difficult people during a divorce.
Here are two books our clients have found to be super helpful. They are excellent resources for managing high-conflict conversations, emails, texts, and social media communication you may encounter with your husband or wife during divorce and co-parenting.
You might also find author Bill Eddy's website, High Conflict Institute, useful. It is packed with useful conflict management resources, including books, podcasts, and training courses.
BIFF Quick Responses to High Conflict People
How to Respond to Personal Attacks, Hostile Email and Social Media Meltdowns
BIFF is your guide to protecting yourself and your reputation by responding quickly and civilly to people who treat you rudely while being reasonable in return. BIFF stands for Brief, Informative, Friendly, and Firm. A BIFF response is easy to remember but hard to do. It takes practice!
We live in an age of rapid change and instant communication. We also live in a Culture of Blame and Disrespect, which creates a need to manage our responses to high-conflict people (HCPs). A BIFF Response® can be applied to any communication: an email, a text message, social media, or a letter.
BIFF for CoParent Communication
How to Respond to Your Ex's Blaming, Accusing, and Taunting Texts, Emails and Social Media Posts
In divorce and co-parenting, not only do you need to deal with your own emotions, but you may be faced with a daily barrage of hostile calls, texts, emails, and social media blasts. How can you regain control and peace for your sake and the kids?
For more than a decade, the BIFF method of responding to hostile and misinforming emails, texts, and conversations has grown in use by thousands of people dealing with a problematic co-parent, and with those who may have a high conflict personality, it helps those who don't. This third book in the BIFF™ Conflict Communication Series is primarily devoted to parents dealing with issues during and after separation and divorce. Complete with instructions in the four-step BIFF method and numerous practical examples; readers will learn the intricacies of their new parenting environment.